Isabella Liu

I am a second-year Ph.D student at University of California, San Diego, advised by Prof. Hao Su and Prof. Xiaolong Wang. Previously, I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Statistics from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and my Master's degree in Computer Science from University of California, San Diego.

My research interests broadly lie in computer vision and graphics. Recently I work on projects about 3D reconstruction, neural inverse rendering and dynamic scene reconstruction.

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[09/21/23] OpenIllumination is accepted by NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks!

[02/27/23] TensoIR is accepted by CVPR2023!

[03/02/22] ActiveZero is accepted by CVPR2022!


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Dynamic Gaussians Mesh: Consistent Mesh Reconstruction from Monocular Videos

Isabella Liu, Hao Su, Xiaolong Wang
arXiv 2024 [New]
project page / arxiv /

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OpenIllumination: A Multi-Illumination Dataset for Inverse Rendering Evaluation on Real Objects

Isabella Liu*, Linghao Chen*, Ziyang Fu, Liwen Wu, Haian Jin, Zhong Li, Chin Ming Ryan Wong, Yi Xu, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Zexiang Xu, Hao Su
NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks
project page / arxiv /

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TensoIR: Tensorial Inverse Rendering

Haian Jin*, Isabella Liu*, Peijia Xu, Xiaoshuai Zhang, Songfang Han, Sai Bi, Xiaowei Zhou, Zexiang Xu, Hao Su
CVPR 2023
project page / arxiv /

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ActiveZero: Mixed Domain Learning for Active Stereovision with Zero Annotation

Isabella Liu, Edward Yang, Jianyu Tao, Rui Chen, Xiaoshuai Zhang, Qing Ran, Zhu Liu, Hao Su
CVPR 2022
project page / arxiv /


Teaching Assistant - ECE 285: Introduction to Visual Learning (UCSD SP 2024)
Teaching Assistant - CSE 203B: Convex Optimization (UCSD WI 2022)

Design and source code from Leonid Keselman and Jon Barron
Last updated: Apr, 2024